The CBC reported on an incident at an Ontario Tim Hortons, where after exchanging a kiss on the cheek a lesbian couple was asked to leave the premises. Apparently a patron complained about the couple’s exchange of affection to the manager who then asked the couple to leave. While I don’t know if it was in fact a kiss on the cheek or more than that I don’t know for sure from the article but it sounds like it was nothing more than you would see a heterosexual couple do in a public place.
I feel insulted for this couple that they were singled out like this. They have every right to show each other that they love and care for one another just as much as a hetero couple. If anything their affection should be applauded. They are two individuals who have enough courage in themselves to break the expected heterosexual norm, publically announce that yeah they are different but who gives a “flying f***”. Not only did they have the courage to come out publically but they were not afraid to demonstrate their affection for each other in a public place. Those are not easy things to do. For being afraid to be yourself, to be loved and to love in return I applaud these ladies!
According to the article there is a protest scheduled for Thursday at the Timmies where the incident took place. I wish everyone that attends all the best!
It shouldn’t matter your age, race, shape, size, colour, sexuality, ANYTHING! You love you love. The heart wants what it wants and to accept and acknowledge that your heart wants something out of what society considers the norm would not be an easy task. To any LGBTQ person or couple out there, be proud of who you are and don’t be afraid to show the world what an amazing person you are and/or your love for another.
Love is natural, comes in many different forms. So Ladies in Ontario, Go Kiss, Go Make Out in front of that Tim’s. You have just as much right as any heterosexual couple!
CBC Article: Kissing Lesbians Asked to Leave Tim Hortons
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