Thursday, 13 October 2011

Occupy Calgary

Calgary demonstrators set up camp in St. Patrick Park on Tuesday in reaction to the Occupy WallStreet protests in New York. The series of protests are aimed at rallying against business and corporate greed; the 1% of society that holds the wealth.  A march is planned for 1pm on Saturday, October 15, 2011 through Downtown Calgary. Thus far a couple warnings however no charges have been laid at this time.
Unlike Occupy WallSteet I hope Calgary is able to raise some hell, well peacefully that is. Take over for NY and make the cause known. Present the cause to the world and let it known the extreme discrepancies in wealth that exist throughout the world. If 1% of the world hold all the power then how much power does the average citizen have. Take back that power Calgary.
            However, do it in a nice manner Calgary. You can’t make an impression on society if you are obnoxious about it. You need to push the boundaries, not break them otherwise your actions will get the attention not the cause. Make a difference Calgary!


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