Monday, 17 October 2011

The Cherry on my Sundae: Female Orgasm

I am doing research for a project and trying to find articles on female sexuality and sexual experiences. Basically, trying to demonstrate how sex can be liberating for women as well as men. When I start my search for academic articles I didn’t think it would be too difficult. Sadly I was mistaken. For not only when I search “female sexuality” in a database do I get wide array of almost everything but an article that will assist me in my project.
But the one thing that really got me was when I entered “female orgasm” into the data base the first key word that the search engine generated along with the results was “sexual dysfunction”! I still cannot believe it! Sexual dysfunction was linked to female orgasm! To me this is a huge red flag that while we might be progressing in our beliefs towards female sexuality we still have a long ways to go!  Empirically women are not as likely to achieve orgasm, compared to men, but that doesn’t mean they should be socially less entitled to pleasure during sex. Female orgasm isn’t a dysfunction within their sexuality; it is a perk, a benefit, the cherry on your ice cream sundae per se. Anything but a negative of sexual relations.
Now to be fair I didn’t look up what would happen if I typed in “male orgasm” into the search engine, but if it did come up with the top key word of “sexual dysfunction” what is that saying about our societies overall views towards sex. It appears sexual pleasure isn’t as universally accepted as pop-culture makes it out to be (but that’s opening a whole other can of worms).

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