Monday, 26 December 2011

Even 4-year-olds Know it is Wrong

This little girl has made my day! If you have not yet seen this video take a minute and watch it! Maybe some ignorant adults will then start to realize that gendered toys ultimately isolate children into gendered life patterns and can therefore be oblivious to other life opportunities. So what if a little girl wants a superhero and a boy wants a princess. Take a lesson from Riley, the little girl in the video. Even she knows it's wrong.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Accepting Imperfection

Finals are finally finished and I can resume blogging! YEAHS!!! There have been so many things that I have wanted to talk about but couldn’t slip away to write.
One of the most predominate one being H&M’s models. If you have not already, it was discovered that all the models appearing in H&M’s advertisements (of any sort) are actually computer generated. The heads of the models are those of actual people, however everything below the neck is a computer creation. When asked about this, Mr. Andersson a H&M spokesperson’s response was: “This is not about ideals or to show off a perfect body, we do this to demonstrate an item of clothing.”
Excuse me?!?! If the entire purpose of this is to demonstrate an article of clothing then why not use real life models?! Why are fashion companies so afraid of the “imperfections” of the human body? It has long been standing that advertising uses altering techniques such as airbrushing and Photoshopping, to “perfect” the images before they are presented to the public. However, H&M has reached an all-time low. These are not just altered women they are electronically generated images. If you ever thought that images presented before were unrealistic, this is a whole new level of low in my opinion. Women do not all have the same dimensions of arms, chest, bust size, butt size, anything. Each woman is unique, and I really don’t understand why advertising cannot use the uniqueness of each woman to their advantage.
My favourite quote in response to this is from Seth Matlins (told to the Huffington Post): “To all involved, we say, keep doing what you are doing what you’re doing if you must – just tell us you’ve done it. Maybe then we will realize that the women in those ads and spreads are about as real as Avatar, and thus, we’ll see it as escapism and not as realism to which we don’t measure up.” Maybe asking these companies to stop altering these images is “unrealistic” and if it is why cannot we make it even more evident that these images are not real. Make it so that we openly know that these images are false, and maybe from there we can deconstruct them as not relevant to our ideas of beauty. Distinctly distancing real women from advertising women as two distinctly separate things. 

Saturday, 10 December 2011

And You Thought You've Had a Bad Date

I am a regular reader of Jezebel. I have to say I rather enjoy their satirical views and coverage of everyday events and issues. Today when skimming the headlines, I found this article, "Investment banker proves daing is getting even more crappy". If you have any time it definitly worth the read!
If you only have time for the letter, here is what you should know before reading. A couple "Lauren" and "Mike" went on date at the NY Philharmonic. While Mike felt the date went extremely well, Lauren did not feel the same way. Okay you should be good to read the letter now.
Reading this letter, I could not believe it. Man, Mike has some guts. I know that I have had all the thoughts that he is thinking in my head after the being in his shoes, but I would NEVER write this kind of letter. And if this kind of letter was ever written to me, I would consider filing for a restraining order. There is a serious difference between thinking these things and acting on these thoughts.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

In My Prayers

Just wanted to send a quick message to the families and friends of Deriek W. Crouse the officer killed at the Virginia Tech shooting today. As well as to all the staff and students at Virginia Tech who were impacted by todays event. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I cannot change what happened today but hopefully you can find some support in the fact that someone is thinking of you and is concerned for you all!

Virginia Tech Shooting December 9, 2011

I am Not My Lady Bits

A study recently done in the UK has found a disturbing trend in our interpretations of lad’s magazines. In the study, participants were given two styles of quotes: that from lad’s magazines as well as quotes from a convicted rapist. What they found was that participants (all male) deemed the quotes from the convicted rapist more applicable to themselves than the quotes from the lad’s magazine. Dr Hovath, the lead researcher in the study said “We were surprised that participants more with quotes, and we are concerned that the legitimisation strategies that rapists deploy when they talk about women are these young men than we had anticipated”.
            When I read this study, my jaw honestly dropped. Why are we teaching each other it is okay to talk about women in these ways? Furthermore, why is okay to talk about ANYONE in these ways? As a society we have normalized the sexualisation of women to such an extent that it is normalized to refer to women in derogatory terms. Ultimately dehumanizing women and reducing them to sexualized objects, to the same extent that a convicted rapist does.
 I cannot speak for everyone but this article makes me feel a little uneasy. There is so much more to me than my sexual bits, but is that all men see when they look at me? I really hope not. Yes sexuality is a part of me, but nobody (including myself) is solely defined by their sexuality/sexual bits. I am not my breasts, yes my breasts are a part of me, but they do not define me.
One thing I really wish they did in the article is address the types of quotes that they presented the participants in the study. It does not give to the subject content of the quotes nor to what degree the quotes were sexualized. I would really like to know to what degree and what subjects it was that the people identified with the rapists more.
Ultimately this article makes me consider how much we need to revise our language regarding the sexualisation of women as objects. This is unhealthy for both adults and children but teaching them unhealthy notions of humanity.
If you have a minute this article is definitely worth the read! Are Sex Offenders and Lad's Magazines Using the Same Language?

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

To Be or Not To Be: It's A Question of Virginity

Recently the media has gone stir-crazy around the debate of virginity. Does the individual wait until marriage, or not? Personally I think it is completely up to the individual. However, there are stigmas attached to both remaining “pure” and becoming sexually active.
            I am sad to admit but I find enjoyment in watching the crazy antics on the TLC. Most recently TLC aired a new show entitled “The Virgin Diaries”, which documented 5 different individuals who are all virgins and 1 “reclaimed” virgin. One couple documented in the show were Shanna (27) and Ryan (31), who had neither been intimate nor kissed another individual before. The show documents their wedding, with the grand moment being the couple’s first kiss. When watching the kiss it looks like they are trying to eat each other’s face. Nom… nom… nom… face. Needless to say it is particularly awkward.
            While I feel the show does a good job at displaying their choice to remain “pure” in a positive light, that being a virgin isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it is the an individual’s choice,  conservatives place such an emphasis around “remaining pure”. Even the choice of wording, “purity” comes with so many connotations. The opposite pure is impure, which seems a little harsh to me to call someone impure. To me that is like telling someone they are a fundamentally a bad person. That the one decision, in this case to participate in sexual acts, has fundamentally changed their life.
 I cannot speak for everyone, but losing my virginity was not all that grand. I always imagined that losing my virginity would be this momentous occasion, fireworks would go off and my whole world would be changed for better or worse. Personally I did not find that at all. The first time was kind of actually unenjoyable. Painful and awkward, and trust me when I say there are no fireworks when you lose your virginity, neither literal nor metaphoric fireworks. I’m making sex sound all bad which it really isn’t, it does get better, A LOT better. But the assumptions of the first time are so grand, and the connotations associated with being “pure” only increase this.
I do not believe that being sexually active, under one’s will makes someone impure. I truly hate the stigma around sex. As I have blogged before, the stigma’s around sex make it harder for people to make informed decisions about their sexuality. People need to be informed and that cannot happen when you stick the label of “impure” next to education.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Consuming Christmas

This is my first Christmas working in retail. It is just December 1st and the mall is buzzing with people. Purchases have doubled. People are no longer buying only $20 or $30 items they are buying massive amounts of goods. Spending $80 to $100 instead of the usual $20-30. Seeing this trend makes me question how much our definition of Christmas has morphed to a consumerist definition.
            I remember when I was a child, Christmas was always my favourite. I won’t deny it, the presents were a lot of fun, but for me I loved being able to show other people I care for them. I loved being able to see family which I didn’t often get to see. I loved getting to have shortbread and hot chocolate in my pyjamas for breakfast. For me as a child and now as an adult, that sounds like Christmas.
 However parts of this definition are consumeristic. We buy each other goods to show them affection. We associate showing the idea of showing someone you care about them with buying them something. To me this seems backwards. I am not by any means saying that we need to stop giving gifts. What I am saying is that we need to rethink our idea of the holidays as something that is solely consumerist. What is wrong with making a gift or giving the gift of time. Showing someone you care by spending the time doing something for them or spending time with them. I’ve never seen any rules dictating what it means show someone you care. Sometimes the perfect gift for someone is something you find in a store. But I really don’t think we should be buying just for the sake of buying.
Not only do we need to stop buying for the sake of buying but I feel people need to buy smarter. Sadly a lot of products are made in workers overseas working for pennies to produce that product you are buying. I’m not going to go into all of the horrible things that those people are facing while making that product as that is a whole other conversation, but we need to remember and acknowledge that what purchase supports the way it was manufactured. Purchasing non-fair trade coffee beans is enabling systems that oppress coffee bean farmers.
Not only in aspects of manufacturing but we need to acknowledge any possible health threats from the product. Something I never knew was hidden harmful chemicals in a large number of popular brands of bath and beauty products. Be careful what you are using on your body. Be careful you are not supporting products that are unhealthy for you.
. Enjoy your time with your friends and family this Christmas. There is nothing more important in life. And remember, Christmas isn’t about consuming; it’s about being with the ones you love. So please be a smart consumer this holiday season.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Against the norm: debunking feminist stereotypes

With starting this blog I have been trying to advertise to some of my friends and family. Mostly put the word out on the street that it does exist in cyberland. In the process of doing so I have found myself faced with the question of what is feminism? Or, you cannot be a feminist you don’t look like a *fill in every feminist stereotype here*.
            Yes some feminists do conform to one or several stereotypes associated with the earlier movements (particularly the second movement) but those stereotypes are not what defines us. A non-feminist does not enjoy being defined by one aspect of their being, so I never understand what gives them the right to place giant, exaggerated labels over the name feminist and define us all for the actions of some. Stereotyping is easy, it gives us as humans comfort to know what is expected in the unknown. I understand that. But on such large scales, stereotyping does more damage that it does good. I hate to break your illusions but not all Canadians live in igloos and not all feminists hate men, in fact I have not met a Canadian who lives in an igloo or a feminist who hates men. Neither stereotype is correct and neither provides much comfort to those assuming, yet they still exist.
Feminists are not our stereotype. Yes, dimensions of our stereotypes are true and they help to differentiate us from other movements, but there is nothing wrong with that either. Yes there are LGBTQ feminists but there are also straight feminists. Yes there are feminist that choose not to wear makeup or shave their legs or armpits, but there are also feminists that do wear makeup and do shave. Being feminist is being open to the realm of possibilities of human existence, and accepting that as human. People come fat, queer, trans, black, white, red, yellow and possibly orange. Being a feminist is to acknowledge unjust societal difference and to actively seek to eliminate it. People are people, all people should have equal rights and freedom of belief and speech. Feminism is this fight.
So to answer the world, I may not fit your specific stereotype of feminist, however my beliefs make me feminist. It is my belief not my assimilation to the stereotypes that make me feminist. Please remember that. So next time someone tells you aren’t a feminist, tell them to think again.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Cost of Beauty

It has always amazed me how much some people, particularly women are willing to sacrifice in the “name of beauty”. For centuries women have been primping and plucking to make themselves more appealing, prettier and “all around” beautiful. However beauty, like anything in our consumerist society, comes at a cost. While generally it’s a financial cost, which is not always the case. Two recent incidents in the media have shown that some women are willing to pay for the cost of beauty with their life.
            Julie McCabe, a 38-year-old, British mother, recently collapsed from an allergic reaction after using L’Oreal Preference hair dye. McCabe is now is a coma with a slim projected chance of recovery.  According to her family, McCabe has been dying her hair every couple months within incident for years. Doctors state that her allergic reaction was to a chemical called phenylenediamine (PPD), found in the hair dye. It is expected that a build-up of PPD within her system caused the severe allergic reaction. While L’Oreal is offering to provide samples for testing, that won’t bring McCabe back to health. This woman is risking her life, just to alter the colour of her hair.
            Another recently documented event is the emergence of Butt Plumping Parties in the USA. Move over Tupperware, butt injections are moving in! At these parties, a “doctor”  injects the participants butts with a combination solvent that was claimed to make you more like JLo. However these injections are composed of a mixture of cement (presumably rubber variety), mineral oil and Fix-A-Flat sealant (what you use to fix flat tires). All really good things to put in your butt, right?... WRONG! One participant is reported to have come down with pneumonia and MRSA as a result of the injections.
            A 30-year-old transsexual woman, has been arrested and is accused of posing as a doctor (she doesn’t have a medical license), and injecting unsuspecting women, with the promise of their dream ass. 
            In both of these cases, it isn’t beauty on the line, but rather these women’s lives. Beauty shouldn’t be this valuable. More importantly we shouldn’t being human and alive be the fact of beautiful? But that only makes sense to me.
            Makes me wonder how much I am putting myself in danger everyday for the cost of beauty. While I don’t dye my hair or plump my butt with injections, I do wear make-up (aka my war paint), bathe, do my hair, etc. It makes me wonder what is in these products. What am I using on my body, to make myself presentable and beautiful? How am I sacrificing myself in the name of beauty.

The Best Menstrual Product, Period

Alternative menstrual products, especially those that are re-usable, have been gaining popularity in recent years, and for good reason. The menstrual cup in particular is one of the best re-usable alternatives to tampons available due to its sexual and reproductive health, financial and environmental benefits.

Women need to look beyond the blatantly false 'clean and fresh' style of marketing employed by tampon companies. The menstrual cup is made of a soft medical-grade silicone, which is significantly safer than tampons as it cannot grow bacteria or yeast, reducing the likelihood of irritation and infection. It is this bacteria and yeast that accumulates on the tampon that actually causes the unpleasant scent often associated with menstruation. There is also a highly reduced chance of the wearer contracting toxic shock syndrome, a syndrome which has been linked to the bleaching of tampons. This means that it is not harmful to leave the cup in overnight, something not advised with tampon use which dictates a maximum of eight hours of wear. In contrast, the cup is worn throughout your period and removed and emptied every six to 12 hours depending on the heaviness of flow. It can be used for a light or heavy flow but emptied more often during heavier days.

There are practical benefits with choosing the menstrual cup over tampons (don't forget, ladies, unlike the menstrual cup, tampons weren't invented for women, they originated during wartime as a means to absorb the internal bleeding of wounded male soldiers). When inserted properly, the cup suctions to the vaginal walls and therefore should not leak. This means you don't have to worry about any unexpected leaks to ruin your day! Additionally, many women using this product feel comfortable partaking in some sex acts while menstruating. Clitoral stimulation may be more easily performed because there is no tampon string or mess to worry about due to the dependable suction of the cup.

Instead of buying multiple cartons of tampons for different levels of protection, you only buy one menstrual cup. The cost benefit here is quite outstanding as most cups cost between $35-45 and provide years of use. A friend of mine has been using her European version of the menstrual cup successfully for seven years. When you empty your cup, you wash it out with clean water and unscented soap then re-insert it. At the end of your period, you boil the cup to sterilize it and then store it in a carry case. The impact a woman can have on the environment is also drastically reduced this way. For instance, the average woman will dispose of 17 shopping carts worth of feminine hygiene products in her life-time when using products like tampons or pads. By choosing a re-usable option like the menstrual cup, a woman can reduce this number because there is less packaging, less tossing, less toilet paper used to wrap your products, and less trips to the store to pick up another box of tampons.

Many health food stores and even Brentwood London Drugs carry alternative menstrual products like the menstrual cup, such as the "DivaCup." Other brands of the menstrual cup may be found online and shipped in from other countries (but remember, shipping does contribute to more waste). I am a strong advocate for re-usable products like the menstrual cup but I must warn you to be patient. Many women find the first few cycles frustrating as the cup takes a certain technique to insert properly. I know my cup is secured in place when it hits my G-spot, resulting in the feeling of needing to pee, which on my first insertion was a somewhat strange experience (that said, the feeling does not remain and, like a tampon, the product cannot be felt). If you can get past the initial frustration I promise you will be satisfied with your decision to make the switch. The benefits are numerous.

Given the multiple benefits the menstrual cup has -- benefits like reproductive and sexual health, financial and environmental -- it is hard to see why anyone would choose traditional (and possibly dangerous) menstrual products like tampons.

Written by Laura Shiels

Monday, 21 November 2011

Music Monday: Songs of Inspiration

Recently I have faced some hard decisions and life situations in a short period of time. It's made me realize that when times get tough, you need to rely on close-friends, family and yourself to pull you through. You need faith in the future and need to believe it will get better. For this reason it's important to remember a couple things:

1. Don't change who you are for anyone else. You are you, and that's what makes you perfect.
2. Always strive for your dreams. Don't settle for anything less that your best. And don't let anyone else tell you that you can't do something.
3. Enjoy the simple beauties in life. Don't be afraid to dance along the way.

I wish it was always as easy to remeber those three things, but it isn't. But I hope these songs inspire you to do so and have the faith that when times get tough, you cannot lose faith in yourself. Now I just need to remember these messages.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

The Fallen Princess

This link was sent to me and I thought it was amazingly hilarious. Make sure to check it out!

Fallen Princess

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Distanced from the Cause

Heteronormitivity is assumed, this is a known fact. At first glance we assume that everyone is heterosexual with purely heterosexual instincts and desires. Feminism has done an excellent job debunking the myth of heteronormitivity by making it okay to love who you love. That whether LGBTQ love, is love. This fact is one of my favourite things about being a feminist, that we should celebrate love between consenting individuals rather than just between a man and a woman.
            However, while it is okay to be LGBTQ within the feminist movement, I feel it is has created a stigma towards being a heterosexual feminist. In many ways I feel isolated from the feminist movement, theories and activism because I am a heterosexual woman. I keep looking at other women, and try to see them in sexual ways, but it doesn’t happen for me. But yet when I see men I begin to feel “all excited”. I know I am heterosexual. I will fully admit that I love cock. But does it make me a bad feminist for not opening myself up to love from anyone. In some ways it makes me feel like because I am not a lesbian or bisexual woman that I don’t get to fully experience feminism. That “I’m sleeping with the enemy” in way.
            I cannot speak for other heterosexual feminists but my experiences have left me feeling isolated within the movement. Making wonder why I don’t like women, I’m a feminist, I should like women too right? I should be open to experience love with anyone, including another woman. But yet at the same time, I don’t feel myself attracted to other women. I go to parties and have female friends (who claim heterosexuality) making out with one another and it does nothing for me. I don’t feel any urge to participate.
            Is my heterosexuality bad, is it a result of societies influence on me or is it something that like homosexuality is biologically determined, is biologically engrained in me too? Do other feminists think less of me because I enjoy being intimate with men?
            Maybe it is all in my head. Maybe I am distancing myself within the feminist movement. I don’t know. Has anyone had this experience?

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Knowledge is Power: A Look at Sex Education

I have wondered for quite some time why sex is such a taboo subject. I completely agree with the notion that it is an intimate act between consenting individuals however, sex is a natural process. The majority of society partakes, so why is there such a stigma when it comes to sex knowledge. I truly believe knowledge is power. Knowledge about sex allows people who are and are not sexually active to make informed decisions that are right for their lifestyles. Whether that means, whether or not they want to or are ready for sex, what method of birth control is or would be suitable for them as well as the potential outcomes (pregnancy, STI’s, emotional outcomes, etc.) that are associated with being sexually active.

Sexual Education is vitally important to society. It is especially important for teens. Western society is becoming sexually active at a younger and younger age. It has been shown that the younger you are at first sexual act the less knowledgeable you are about sex, and the greater the risk they are putting themselves in in regards to pregnancy, STI’s and emotional distress. Sex needs to be reclaimed as natural, not taboo. We cannot stop these teens from partaking in sexual acts, to me that seems unrealistic, but we can give them the knowledge make informed decisions.

While society feels we don’t need this education, it is often left up to us to find. However what you hear through the grapevine or find in books or the web is not always creditable. For this reason I have found a couple websites that are creditable. Hope they help you. The first website is Bedsider, which outlines the reasons why birth control can be advantageous as well as provides a chart as to which methods are best for which lifestyle as well as some of the pro’s and con’s associated with each. I would highly recommend this website if you have any questions regard birth control. Another website for a rounded view of sexual health is the Calgary Sexual Health Center. It is a local sexual health center that provides an overview of sexual health from gender identity to what to do if you believe you are pregnant. If society won’t provide you with the knowledge, don’t be afraid to educate yourself. Knowledge is truly power.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Introducing Music Monday's

I would like to introduce Music Monday's. I will gladly admit I am addicted to music Music is my voice. It speaks for me when I can't find the words. I have therefore decided to find some songs that I love because I believe they give an amazing message. Maybe you will relate to the song, maybe you wont. Music is a personal medium so who really knows. You wont unless you listen! :)

For today I picked a song by one of my all time favourite artists, Michael Franti and Spearhead. Hope you all enjoy!

Michael Franti and Spearhead - "Hey, Hey, Hey"

Saturday, 12 November 2011

New Lows for TV Commercials

I came across these videos on another feminist blog and became appalled. I thought that while by no means perfect our advertising was improving. I guess I was very mistaken. Apparently we are telling women directly they cannot drink Dr. Pepper because it is much a manly drink, and telling young girls that playing with cars and blocks is wrong, let alone her dressing in green. Oh my goodness, the world is going to end because that young girl is dressing in ‘boy’ colours… NOT!!!
            These advertisements are not even have hidden messages, they are overt and in your face. I truly do not understand why we feel advertising companies feel they have any right to make these commercials. People have the right to be themselves, whether that is pink and frilly or green and camouflage. People have the right to drink what they want or what they do not want to, that is their choice.  

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

A Life Lesson from the Duggars on Maternal "Sacrifice"

While life is precious I do not believe the human body was designed to reproduce 20 times. The Duggar family announced today they are expecting baby number 20 due in April. So 19 pregnancies and 20 children later, Michelle (Momma Duggar) will have spent approximately 15 years of her life pregnant!!! Attached is a link to a video where they announce they are pregnant. In the video, when asked about her fears regarding the pregnancy (since her last pregnancy was extremely premature and put her life in danger with complications), and she said that sacrifice was the sign of a true mother. That she would sacrifice for all her children include those who have not yet to be conceived. I have to disagree with her. While there is a component of sacrifice with any parental role, I don’t believe that is what solely makes a true or good mother. A mother is so much more. A mother is care, compassion, empathy. They are everything associated with femininity sadly. But yet to be a mother is said to be the most rewarding experience.
            I am not yet a mother, and I don’t plan to be for several years. But yet does that make me a bad feminist for wanting to be a mother; for wanting to be caring and nurturing towards another life. I would have to say it does and it doesn’t. Being a mother helps to enforce the social notion of femininity as caring and nurturing. But at the same time, what is wrong being with caring and nurturing. I would argue that those qualities actually make for a better feminist. It is the ability to be caring and compassionate that allows feminists to see the fundamental differences within society and provide a drive for wanting to create change; for wanting to help the “oppressed” in a positive manner. I believe it helps to add the human aspect back to feminism.
            At the same time that feminism is aided by the qualities of motherhood, I do not think that a mother should have inherently “sacrifice” for her children (living or unborn). By this I mean that women should not be obligated to pregnancy and motherhood. Women should not have to give up their bodies, their careers, their way of life unwillingly. They should have autonomy over their life and their body. One thing I would strongly disagree with Mrs. Duggar about is that women do not have to have 20 children or even a child. It is a personal decision. While I cannot say much that she is pregnant again, I really wish I could tell her that it wouldn’t make her any less of a woman or a mother if she decided not to have number 20 (or even number 21 at the rate they are going).
            I guess Congratulations are in order to baby number 20. All the best to baby, mom and family through this pregnancy.

Monday, 7 November 2011

"I Am Naked... So What?!"

I have been researching music with feminist messages for a project in one of my Women’s Studies Classes and came across this song/video by Stereo Total entitled “I Am Naked” on Happy Bodies Blog. I have to say I fell in love with this song! It is not very often that you seen anything in pop culture embracing the naked body in an unsexualized manner. The women and men in this video are just happy to be naked. They are proud of their bodies, how their mother made them. They are dancing around and celebrating their naked bodies.
            One thing I would have enjoyed seeing in this video is people of different sizes, shapes and ethnicities. Any body is beauty, not just Caucasian “athletic” body. I do feel Stereo total has the right idea and it really makes me want to dance around naked right now. J

English Version

The Orignal Version

Saturday, 5 November 2011

What The Nipple?!

Today I was having a conversation with a lady about social media. She told me how she is starting an online campaign against a major social media site to reinstate a page in support of a breast cancer beauty reclamation project. In the project a group of breast cancer survivors painted their nude bodies in the hopes of redefining the female body after breast cancer as beautiful. They put all the pictures on a major social media site to show the world their project. When this social media site got word of these pictures they decided to take them down, deeming the images of pornographic. This same social media site refuses to take down other actual pornographic material which depicts women being assaulted and abused but yet they take down pictures of women trying to reclaim their bodies.
            According to the lady I was talking too, the comments on the pictures expressed disgust because nipples where shown within the images. Nipples. They had no problem with the breast, but it was the nipple that was causing people the most issues. It was the presence of the nipple that made the images pornographic. Under the logic that nipples are pornographic, wouldn’t that mean that everyman that walks around with his shirt off giving a live peep show?
I really don’t understand this, can someone please give me some insight why the “female” breasts and nipples are much more sexualized then men’s. I am well aware the role breasts play in pregnancy and motherhood, but why is it that because our breasts have a function that we are told to hide them, be shameful of them. However men, whose breasts do not have a direct function allowed to publically display them?
The women participating in the body painting have the right idea. Whether they have or have not battled cancer, breasts are beautiful; furthermore women’s bodies are beautiful and should be celebrated as such. As for social media, we need to as a society reconsider what is acceptable and what isn’t. If they allow images of abuse and men wearing shirts, should these painted women be allowed to share their artwork with their friends and family? It only makes sense to me.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Disney Pictures Presents... The Menstrual Cycle?

 I never thought I would see the day when I heard the word vagina in a disney pictures production, but they say it... several times. I was actually fairly suprised when I came across this video. I was expecting to watch ten minutes of menstruation myths, but instead they actually presented just the basic facts. While the social stigma around female cycles is still evident within this film, I found it suprising the radicalness that they were actually presenting menstruation to young women in a scientific manner. While the thought of Disney telling me about the inner workings of my reproductive system kinda creeped me out, I do believe that for the time when this was made they did a good. Disney please say vagina more often!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Halloween Racism...?

I was talking with a friend yesterday as she was browsing her Facebook. As she was searching she found a picture of her friends who dressed up as JayZ and Beyonce (since she was pregnant) for Halloween. However this was a Caucasian couple. They not only dressed in attire like Beyonce and JayZ but they also decided to paint their face black with makeup.
 My friend and I were not sure what to think of this. Is this racist? Or is this just an innocent Halloween costume? I actually don’t think this was racist of this couple, though I do think that it was an inappropriate choice of for a costume.
If racial minority was to dress up as Brittney Spears or Dr. Phil, nobody would take a second look. They would just see an Asian Dr. Phil or a African American Brittney Spears, they would not look far into the issue. However, now that a white couple is dressing up as racial minority that is considered racist? That doesn’t seem right to me.
However, it also raises questions whether different cultures should be acceptable for a costume. I read an article on Jezebel a couple weeks ago; about several Racial Activists are fighting to no longer have their culture as a Halloween costume. They argued that they are a culture not a costume, therefore they felt it was insulting to stereotype all oriental people the dimensions of costume. In order to make a Halloween costume recognizable requires the costume wearer to utilize every stereotype possible about the group of people or individual whom the costume is based upon. The picture below is one of the pictures from the campaign.
I don’t think dressing up as Beyonce and JayZ is any different than dressing up as a Geisha. Whether or it is wrong to dress up as a different race is a completely different question, which I cannot answer.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

212,000 Reasons To End Animal Testing

On Friday UBC released the shocking number of animals that have undergone research testing at UBC in 2010: 212, 000. According to a spokesperson from the University “UBC has maintained over the last year and a half or so that they experimented on about 100,000 animals a year and yet the data released [Friday] for 2010 shows that the number of animals used at UBC has doubled.” According to another University representative 97% of those animals used in studies were rodents, mice, rats, fish and frogs. However, more than 4,000 medium to larger sized mammals were also used in research. In addition, UBC has confessed that 31 animals were exposed to highly invasive procedures which caused that animal stress, severe suffering or even death. The University did say that if the animal was to undergo a painful procedure they were administered anesthesia or pain medication.
            I’m sorry but how many animals do we need to test on? How many innocent animals do we need to expose to unnecessary poking and prodding? Not to mention that this outrageous number is only from one North American University Institution! I understand that research aids us in understanding the “laws of nature” but how is it at all ethical to use living creatures that are unable to give any kind of consent (especially if they are exposed to pain, suffering or death). Do we really need to experiment on so many un-consenting beings? To me reading this article provides me with 212, 000 reasons why we should search for new means of doing research. 212, 000 reasons why we should end animal testing.

Article Link

Friday, 28 October 2011

To Love, Honour and Cherish... your "upgraded" spouse

I am well aware that media is constantly selling us images of what we should and shouldn’t be, but I didn’t think I would see the day when the media would do this. The latest radio contest in Calgary, Alberta is “Upgrade Your Spouse”, a contest where one spouse can enter the other in to receive an “upgrade”. As quoted by the radio station webpage itself “get the trophy wife – or hubby – you’ve always wanted.” Such ‘upgrades’ include (in the order appearing on the webpage):
·         Breast augmentation
·         Tattoos (or tattoo removal)
·         Frown lines
·         Laser hair removal
·         Cooking classes
·         Sex drive
·         Shrink their waist or thighs
·         Driving lessons
·         Cleaning
·         Etiquette
·         Eyes
·         Dental work
·         Hairstyle
·         New wardrobe
·         Lingerie
·         Home gym
·         Spa treatments
·         Personal trainer
·         Post Secondary education

Uummm… really?! There is actually a contest to alter your spouse into a ‘trophy wife/husband’? As if we are not sent enough subconscious messages we are now making a game out of altering someone’s body/mind/life without their input!
            What gets me is the list of examples they give on the website of how you can ‘upgrade’ your spouse. Majority of the list consists of all things that will alter their body: from breast augmentation to laser hair removal, their body apparently isn’t good enough. I don’t want to think what it would be like to be on the receiving end of this contest; finding out that your spouse thinks there is something so fundamentally wrong with you that they will publically announce and enter you into a contest to alter you in some way. If you thought there was troubles in paradise before, ooh I’d just wait.
            While the idea of giving your spouse the option to get a post secondary education, this contest still raises the questions of self-agency. Does your spouse really not have the agency to complete the forms and do it for theirself? Not to mention, what if they don’t want to go to post secondary? While having a post secondary education is beneficial in today’s culture and economy, it is not for everyone. You don’t need a post secondary education to thrive. So what if you are someone who doesn’t want a post secondary education and your spouse enters you to win an education, what are they really trying to say? There are so many hidden messages within this contest that it makes me sick to think that some couples feel the need to alter the person that they ‘love’. The person whom they have proclaimed “to love, honour and cherish to death do they part”. But apparently that is completely true because apparently their spouse needs upgrading.

Upgrade Your Spouse Contest Link

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

The Right to Love and Be Loved

The CBC reported on an incident at an Ontario Tim Hortons, where after exchanging a kiss on the cheek a lesbian couple was asked to leave the premises. Apparently a patron complained about the couple’s exchange of affection to the manager who then asked the couple to leave. While I don’t know if it was in fact a kiss on the cheek or more than that I don’t know for sure from the article but it sounds like it was nothing more than you would see a heterosexual couple do in a public place.
I feel insulted for this couple that they were singled out like this. They have every right to show each other that they love and care for one another just as much as a hetero couple. If anything their affection should be applauded. They are two individuals who have enough courage in themselves to break the expected heterosexual norm, publically announce that yeah they are different but who gives a “flying f***”. Not only did they have the courage to come out publically but they were not afraid to demonstrate their affection for each other in a public place. Those are not easy things to do. For being afraid to be yourself, to be loved and to love in return I applaud these ladies!
According to the article there is a protest scheduled for Thursday at the Timmies where the incident took place. I wish everyone that attends all the best!
It shouldn’t matter your age, race, shape, size, colour, sexuality, ANYTHING! You love you love. The heart wants what it wants and to accept and acknowledge that your heart wants something out of what society considers the norm would not be an easy task. To any LGBTQ person or couple out there, be proud of who you are and don’t be afraid to show the world what an amazing person you are and/or your love for another.
Love is natural, comes in many different forms. So Ladies in Ontario, Go Kiss, Go Make Out in front of that Tim’s. You have just as much right as any heterosexual couple!

CBC Article: Kissing Lesbians Asked to Leave Tim Hortons

Monday, 24 October 2011


I found this video and really liked the message it sent. Fat women are beautiful too.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Defining Beautiful

My little sister was watching “Say Yes to the Dress” on TLC yesterday when I started to notice something was framed differently about the show. Turns out it was actually “Say Yes to the Dress: Big Bliss”. It was a specially designed show for “larger” women to help them find their dream wedding dress. Why is it that they need to segregate women that are quote un-quote larger to their own show? Do we really hold that much of a social stigma around size that they need their own show?
I have to say seeing a separate show just for larger women made and still makes me mad. As wrong as it may be is being fat the new dimension by which we discriminate against people. TV keeps priding itself on becoming progressively more diverse and yes while you are showing these women going through the social ritual of marriage (specifically spending way too much money on a white dress) you have put them in their own category of human. They are no longer a bride, they are a “Big Bliss” Bride. By slapping that label on them to me that is as good as not having them in the public eye at all. It is a different form of censorship. It is showing that they are distinctly different and therefore need their own place in the media.
It is bad enough the covers of magazines are plastered with headlines reading “Who’s the Latest Fatty” or “Who Slipped from the Diet Wagon”. And those would be nice headlines compared to the ones you see around bikini season.
I truly don’t understand why the media can’t actually be progressive and inclusive in the end. When I first saw the movie Hairspray come out in theatres it made me so happy that they were showing an image that the “fat” girl can find happiness (even if that happiness is defined as a man). It was showing that everyone can achieve something. But now I look at what is around me and it feels like we have transformed back to the definition of skinny bitches. The Jersey Shore and Desperate Housewives version of femininity. I’m sorry Snookie but from they portray you like on TV, in my mind you are anything but what it means to be an everyday woman.
We need better images of what it is to be a woman. We need to let the world know that a woman isn’t and shouldn’t defined by her size. As for “Say Yes to the Dress: Big Bliss”, allow those women on your daily airing. They are no different than your other brides, so don’t make them feel different. There is more than one definition of beauty out there, so please can we establish woman as beautiful NOT skinny as beautiful!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


A new study released in the USA underlying an increasing prevalent issue on university and college campuses: Drunkorexia. Drunkorexia is a new eating disorder in which an individual purposefully cuts calories during the day to ‘allow’ thereself to binge drink that night. The individual (generally students) is motivated by the notion of getting drunk faster, saving money to spend solely on alcohol as well as a method to keep their weight down. This alarming new trend is suspected to be affecting 1 in 5 students, with the majority of affected individuals being women.
 In the report they examine not only this new emerging trend but also how this can negatively affect the individual’s mental and physical health as well as their personal safety. “Drunkorexics are at greater risk of becoming sexual assault victims and suffering from substance abuse and more severe eating disorders later in life” said Dr. Valerie Taylor, chief psychiatry at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto.
I find it sad and alarming how much our society has become controlled by alcohol consumption. Not only does it affect our mental status, social relationships, self-image and economic factors but now it’s affecting our lives in an entirely new way by combining the all the above into one giant superpower ailment on both the individual and society.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


I bet you all thought that Conservapedia was a joke, didn't you? Well, sadly for all thinking people on the planet, it's not. Conservapedia was started in 2006 by Andy Schafly, to counter the 'liberal bias' found in Wikipedia (otherwise known as facts) and to promote a Christian conservative viewpoint. It certainly does that.

A quick scan of its 'Feminism' page provides many laughs, but also many genuinely incorrect viewpoints that are hurtful to the feminist cause. I have boldly waded in to counter some of the more, ah, radical claims made in Conservapedia. Sit back and enjoy. Oh, and by the way, the URL is, if you think I'm joking. I'm not.

"Specifically, a modern feminist denies or downplays differences between men and women, opposes the encouragement of homemaking and child-rearing for women, and seeks to participate in predominantly male activities, including, but not limited to, sexual intercourse with women."

Modern feminist, in their definition, is 1970s onwards. They seem to have no bones with the suffragettes of the 1920s...other than the fact that they inspired modern feminism. First off, the accusation that modern feminism opposes the encouragement of homemaking and child-rearing for women.

This is patently false. What feminism encourages, in a word, is choice. Pre-feminism, when women had no rights, they had no choice. They had to be homemakers and mothers. Now, feminism has allowed women to pursue what they want to do. If you want to be a homemaker and a mother, that's fantastic! Go and pursue those dreams! If you don't want to, that is splendid too.

Next up is the claim that we want to participate in predominantly male activities. Fine. You got me there. Predominantly male activities is pretty much anything and everything. Even cooking, which is one of the favored insults leveled at a feminist ("Get back in the kitchen, woman!") is dominated by men (the Culinary Institute of America has twice as many men as women). So yes, I'm going to say that feminists do want to participate in predominantly male activities, and make them equal activities.

And as for the lesbian claim...well, sure. If that's your schtick, go for it.

They've got a list of traits that will identify the Modern Feminist too, and here they are (cut for time):

"Oppose chivalry"
This one I kind of see as a depends-on-your-viewpoint thing. Some feminists, I know, are offended by chivalry. Their view is that chivalry is based on the presupposition that women are helpless and can't do anything for themselves, and carrying on these traditions is just enforcing that view. There are also women who see chivalry as something harmless, that men can carry on if they want to, or not, for all they care. My view on this is that chivalry is something that should be practised by both genders. To me, chivalry is manners. So hold doors for people; pay for the dinner if you asked the person out; share your umbrella. Be a decent person. I promise, it's not that hard.

"Belittle and mock other women who desire to have children or raise a family"
Please see above point. Feminism, as I said, is about choices. If that is your choice, then feminism is behind it 100%.

"Shirk traditional gender activities, like baking"
God damn it. Someone should have told me that my modern feminist card would be revoked if I baked anything before I made those biscotti this afternoon. Again, this falls under sweeping generalizations, and we can only go back to the choice point.

"Prefer that women wear pants rather than dresses, presumably because men do"
Whether or not a man wears it is really beside the point when it comes to my sartorial choices. And in fact, I seem to remember a lot of shaming from the religious right if a guy wears jeans that are considered 'feminine.' Funny, that. At any rate, I wear pants and dresses, where pants are appropriate and where dresses are appropriate. Pants make life a lot easier - everything from walking down the street to working on a construction site is easier when you're wearing pants. Plus, you don't have to worry about windy days. Pants are a convenience thing; which is, I imagine, why guys started wearing them.

"Seek women in combat in the military just like men, and coed submarines"
This is a serious question. Should women serve in the military? Of course, it's only serious in the U.S., where women, although they can serve in non-combat roles in the military, are prohibited from actually being in the front lines. In Canada, both men and women serve in combat roles. The general arguments leveled against it are that women are, on average, less strong than men; and women when captured can face a whole other level of serious torture (eg. rape). The way that Canada dealt with it was extensive conditioning for both men and women in combat roles; so that when they're actually fighting, they're fit as they can be. And as for the heightened danger for women in combat roles: if a woman decides that she wants to brave that because she wants to serve her country, kudos to her. Another related question is whether women should be exempt from the draft. I say no: if you're going to agree that both men and women can serve equally in the military, then you're going to have to say that both men and women will be called up to fight when there is a need for it.

"Distort historical focus onto female figures, often overshadowing important events (eg. Henry VIII's wives take precedence in common knowledge to his actual reign)"
This one is just funny. The reason why Henry VIII's wives take precedence is not because of a dire feminist conspiracy to throw them into the limelight, but because they kind of took precedence in his lifetime, too. Henry was a bit of a ladies' man. We remember his wives because he set aside one to marry another for a son, and in doing so created a serious diplomatic relations disaster with Spain and split from the Catholic Church, creating the Church of England of which he was head. Shortly after he married that wife, he beheaded her. His penchant for divorcing wives and beheading them is well-known because it's a pretty major part of his character, and drove a lot of his actions.

"Believe marriage implies female servitude when it is in fact a mutual bond"
I absolutely agree with this one. It should be taken in context with the next point, however...
"Often condemn the God-Given order of gender roles, as laid out in the Holy Bible"
...which is frequently quoted by conservatives as evidence for wives being subservient to husbands. So this one doesn't quite add up.

"Object to being addressed as "ma'am," or feminine nicknames such as "sweetheart" or "honey;" object to other female-only names, such as "temptress""
Gee, I can't imagine why we would object to being named temptresses.

And the last one, my personal favorite:
"Support of the homosexual agenda"
The "homosexual agenda," as defined by Conservapedia, is the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle as healthy and normal (start clutching your pearls now) by homosexuals, who desire acceptance and approval of their actions.

Okay, again, you've got me. I, personally, am behind this homosexual agenda. Sign me right up. It raises an interesting question, however - should feminism, by definition, promote homosexual rights?

Feminism is the belief in/action towards full equality between the genders/sexes. In my opinion, this encompasses LGBTQ rights as well. If women or men don't have the right to marry and love whomever they want without censure, then they don't have equal rights. There can be no equality in society without every single individual having equal rights. If you give heterosexuals the right to marry and love, then you must give LGBTQ people this right as well. Feminism has to stand behind these rights, if they want true equality.

So there you have it, feminism straight from Conservapedia! If you consider yourself a modern feminist and you don't quite match up to their guidelines, don't worry. There are a lot worse things than being hated by Conservapedia. In fact, I'd say being hated by Conservapedia is a sure sign you're doing something right.

Monday, 17 October 2011

The Cherry on my Sundae: Female Orgasm

I am doing research for a project and trying to find articles on female sexuality and sexual experiences. Basically, trying to demonstrate how sex can be liberating for women as well as men. When I start my search for academic articles I didn’t think it would be too difficult. Sadly I was mistaken. For not only when I search “female sexuality” in a database do I get wide array of almost everything but an article that will assist me in my project.
But the one thing that really got me was when I entered “female orgasm” into the data base the first key word that the search engine generated along with the results was “sexual dysfunction”! I still cannot believe it! Sexual dysfunction was linked to female orgasm! To me this is a huge red flag that while we might be progressing in our beliefs towards female sexuality we still have a long ways to go!  Empirically women are not as likely to achieve orgasm, compared to men, but that doesn’t mean they should be socially less entitled to pleasure during sex. Female orgasm isn’t a dysfunction within their sexuality; it is a perk, a benefit, the cherry on your ice cream sundae per se. Anything but a negative of sexual relations.
Now to be fair I didn’t look up what would happen if I typed in “male orgasm” into the search engine, but if it did come up with the top key word of “sexual dysfunction” what is that saying about our societies overall views towards sex. It appears sexual pleasure isn’t as universally accepted as pop-culture makes it out to be (but that’s opening a whole other can of worms).

Sunday, 16 October 2011

One Way to Make Your Point

I have heard of radical protesting before but it is not often it is caught on tape while it occured during a meeting between the Canadian High Comissioner and the UK. Watch and enjoy!

Sexy Protesting Video Link

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Occupy Calgary's Success

Congrads Calgary on a successful protest today! At 1pm over 500 protestors started out at Bankers Hall and marched along downtown streets to the Olympic Plaza. Police have reported no arrests were made during the protest and the demonstrated maintain a peaceful manner. Congrads Calgary! I truly believe that you were able to get your message across!

Friday, 14 October 2011

Royal Succession up for Debate

The British monarchy has recently brought into question the current means of succession to the throne. Presently, if Kate and William produce a son, regardless if he is first born will be entitled to the crown. British Prime Minister David Cameron has sent a letter to British Colonies proposing a change to British law allowing the first born, regardless of their sex to be able to take the thrown.
For the first time 300 years of royal succession, placement of the thrown could be determined by factors other than one’s sex at birth. While the whole system might have reconstruction to do (i.e. maybe allow the child to have autonomy over whether or not they want to be king/queen for starters), this is a large step towards recognizing that tradition doesn’t make it right: tradition only a social tool to legitimize your actions.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Occupy Calgary

Calgary demonstrators set up camp in St. Patrick Park on Tuesday in reaction to the Occupy WallStreet protests in New York. The series of protests are aimed at rallying against business and corporate greed; the 1% of society that holds the wealth.  A march is planned for 1pm on Saturday, October 15, 2011 through Downtown Calgary. Thus far a couple warnings however no charges have been laid at this time.
Unlike Occupy WallSteet I hope Calgary is able to raise some hell, well peacefully that is. Take over for NY and make the cause known. Present the cause to the world and let it known the extreme discrepancies in wealth that exist throughout the world. If 1% of the world hold all the power then how much power does the average citizen have. Take back that power Calgary.
            However, do it in a nice manner Calgary. You can’t make an impression on society if you are obnoxious about it. You need to push the boundaries, not break them otherwise your actions will get the attention not the cause. Make a difference Calgary!


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The Googlher

Apparently a new product, the Googlher, a Google powered vibrator has recently come on the market. The Googlher, is a bullet vibrator set to vibrate every time Google pings your web browser. So literally you receive pleasure for surfing the web. Interesting concept but I don't know if I would get much work done.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Halloween Double Standards

Yesterday, my friend and I decided to spend some time window shopping. When we got to the mall we came across a Halloween store and decided to go in. I thought it would be exciting seeing all the different costumes and decorations however I ended up walking out of there a little more appalled than excited for the upcoming holiday.
            While there was decorations (all gory by the way) the majority of the store was dedicated to costumes. However when I began to take a closer look at the costumes for women I began to notice a disturbing trend: they were all slutty! The only costume my friend and I could find in the store that wasn’t at all revealing was a nun costume. A nun costume, go figure. Everything else from a fairy to German beer maid consisted of almost more packaging that it did fabric on the costume! Has Halloween become marketed as the whore of all holidays? Halloween used to be about pumpkins, witches and ghosts now it appears to be another excuse for us to sell sex.
            Something else that upset me was the differences between men and women’s costumes. I didn’t see a single “sexy” men’s costume. Instead they were long trench coats of doctors or uniforms of soldiers. Not only were they given noble occupations to dress up as but they were not showing a bit of skin. The first outfit I saw for women was a “sexy” M&M costume which barely covered her who-ha let alone anything else. Women get M&M costumes and men get doctors and soldiers. What kind of double standard is this?
            Women need the option to dress up for Halloween but not as sexed objects but as subjects with purpose. I realize sex sells but common people really a slutty M&M is what you find appealing?

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Women Making History

For the first time since 2004 a woman – well actually three women – have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their contributions to promoting peace, democracy and gender equality. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf  and her compatriot, Leymah Gbowee of Liberia as well as Tawakkol Karman of Yemen were all awarded the Peace Prize yesterday.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the first woman to be elected president in modern Africa and was awarded the prize for her efforts and accomplishments of bringing peace to Liberia. Tawakkol Karman was awarded the prize for her insistence that the United States removal of support of President Saleh’s regime which Karman characterized as a corrupt failure.
Congratulations to all three women! Not only are your accomplishments amazing but you have shown young women all around the world that women are capable of being leaders as well as capable of initiating change. For this we thank you!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Please Give All the Single Ladies a Positive Message

“Run the World (Girls)” by Beyonce has become a popular song in the media lately, including its latest inclusion in the hit show Glee. I will admit I am a definite Gleek however I have lost a little respect for a show that claims to be progressive, (by battling issues of discrimination and inclusion) after airing such an insulting song. While I am aware that Beyonce was trying to be progressive and show that women can be powerful, I strongly feel she went about it all the wrong ways.
For example in the song it explicitly states “My persuasion can build a nation; endless power; our love we can devour; you'll do anything for me.” Both first and second wave feminists while they were fighting to end women’s oppression they never mentioned the need to establish a matriarchy. Most of my experience is with creating a balance of men and women in power, not a need to establish a female dominated power system.
Not only do some lyrics and the underlying notions of matriarchy get to me but if you have seen the music video it doesn’t leave much to the imagination. I am well aware that music videos in general at present are rather “revealing”. But in a song that is supposed to be radical and an expression of female strength why are all the women in the video parading around in corset’s and fishnets? Their choice of clothing is only feeding into patriarchal notions of male dominance within advertising and media, that women are best displayed as sex objects.
While Beyonce may have good intentions of showing society that women can be powerful, in my mind she went about in all the wrong directions. Women don’t need to rule the world, women just need to be allowed to have a more assertive voice within mainstream society. And if women are about to rule the world in those clothes I am not sure how much of an actual impact they would make in establishing social change. So nice try Beyonce but please try again.