Friday, 4 October 2013

Dating Snobs...

Sooooo... I thought I would try the whole Online dating thing. And while I am sure there are many amazing guys out there, it is the select few like this one that make me question humanity.  He first messaged me with this:
Not going to lie. I was excited and decided to message him back... Then he said this:
While he might think this is funny, hate to break it to you bucko but its not! It's rude and inconsiderate! And frankly if perpetuates many negative stereotypes and feeds into my own insecurities. I know that I am not a 5'10" supermodel build woman and that is something that I personally cope with on a daily basis. but it is pricks like you that feed my insecurities about my body. And I am SURE I am not the only girl out there that feels this way or got such a rude reply from you.
So you know what bucko... get over yourself! You aren't some god to women and furthermore you need to think before you act. Words can hurt and your words have definitely hurt me. But instead of letting you continually hurt me I am going to stand up for myself. Beauty comes in many shapes, sizes and forms and I truly believe that I am beautiful! You may not see that but yours is just one opinion and truthfully not the opinion that matters to me. So while your words hurt for a minute, as I post this blog I have released them to universe and forgiven you. I really hope you can grow up and realize that what you say affects people.